Beneath green saplings, he took his seat upon a boulder streaked with lichen.
We also built a few lightweight, two-tube, one-man models from green saplings about a half-inch in diameter.
If once you loved a green, unripe sapling, then won't you now take autumn's withering, rotting fallen fruit?
They made a fire with green saplings, which made a vast amount of smoke rise into the air.
From the trunk sprang a green sapling covered with pink blossoms.
The grain bins were cylindrical in shape, their walls of plaited green saplings plastered with clay and cow dung.
Luther," he said, "you get some green saplings for roasting.
Anaya vanished into the pallid green saplings as Kith-Kanan took out his dagger and absently began cleaning his fingernails.
The creatures, made from trees, green saplings, dried branches, roots, vines and bark, were created by Dave Rogers.
Then they fired a last trench of deadwood topped with leaves and green saplings so that the smoke would mask their movements and slipped away.