He is looking at a green mountainside with a big white snowfield in the middle of it.
The Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests ecoregion, with its lush green mountainsides and plains that receive moisture from the Caspian Sea, forms this ecoregion's northern border.
A big viewscreen played a recorded scene, houses on precipitous green mountainsides, the Chiangjing flowing majestic between.
Since the grassy green mountainside above the cave doesn't bare any signs of landslides nowadays it seems clear that the sand must have entered the cave some centuries ago.
THE Bernardus Lodge brochure depicts a wildly fertile landscape of lush vineyards against a green mountainside.
There was a green mountainside beyond the roofs.
There must've been three hundred people out there on that green mountainside when Brother Elisha called his flock together.
In spring, wisteria adds a rich lavender counterpoint to the steep green mountainsides of the interior, covered with cedar, cypress and umbrella pine.
The mountains were beautiful in the autumn, leaves of burnished gold, the last fading blooms of summer, the mountainsides glowing green and purple; all seemingly created just for her pleasure.
Outside, the wind had blown the clouds away, and the sky was turquoise, the sunlight turning the mountainsides yellow and pink and green.