In her green minivan, rolling through the streets of the South End, Ms. Stephenson continued to watch for signs that gangs have arrived at the gates of Stamford.
Habib and Mitchell were there, sitting waiting in a green minivan with two kiddie seats in the back but no kiddies.
The girl said the driver was in a green minivan, but police believe it was the same vehicle.
Not far away, while loading groceries into a green minivan, Judy Smiar, 40, said of Mr. Kerry, "He changes his mind a lot; he's against it before he's for it."
The Greenwich police described the vehicle as an older dark green minivan, similar to a Chrysler Town and Country.
Last fall, a green minivan or sport utility vehicle approached children in Rye, N.Y., and Greenwich, Conn., with the driver beckoning children toward the vehicle.
Jofre Bautista, 33, was arrested on Thursday after detectives found the light green minivan he was said to be driving on the day of the assault.
Mr. Puleo said the gunman ultimately fled in a green minivan.
The victim, Frank Voci, was struck by a light blue or green minivan, investigators said.
They were arrested along with a fourth man, who had driven out of the warehouse hours earlier with about 1,000 pounds of cocaine in the back of a green minivan, officials said.