The man on the left wears green hose over his braies.
Loretta went inside and returned with a length of green hose wrapped under her arm.
I hear murmurs around us; a young courtier in purple satin and green hose raises an eyebrow.
In the US, diesel pumps commonly use green hoses and green slipcovers over the nozzle.
There were six of them, in dark green hose and tunics.
The team colours were a 'woodpecker'-green shirt, grey shorts and green hose.
She flashed by a startled man in bathing trunks holding a green hose that dribbled water.
He was just about to beg Yani to slow down when a man wearing a brown tunic and green hose came running out of the forest.
Her clothing an attractive leather tunic and green woolen hose.
He was trailing a long, thick, green hose.