You just moved a green circle over it, the computer went binleabinleabinlea, and you'd set your course.
Another green circle, this one not so close to the red dashed line, on the opposite side.
The levels can actually be integrated into the main game, and will show up on the map as green circles.
We put a little green circle in the area where they're probably going to be held up.
The pill was marked like a target in red and green circles.
Curiously, the last car of that train also had a large gray or green circle next to the bar.
He urged them forward until they stood in the center of the green circle.
The case of every other ray is illustrated above by the green circles, which are all equal.
At the bottom of the keyboard were three small circles: green, yellow and red.
The symbol for this route was a green circle on a white background.