Instead, green campaigners want to see old industrial land used for the housing estates of the future.
Friends of the Earth has added its name to the list of environmental groups which have condemned the government's "set-aside" programme for redundant farmland, initially given a broad welcome by green campaigners.
Many seasoned green campaigners regard it as the last realistic chance for mankind to get to grips with the problem of climate change.
The judgment, made by Mr Justice Mitting after a two-day court hearing, was hailed as a major victory by green campaigners and the solar industry.
Many countries, green campaigners and businesses complained that the system of voluntary commitments did not provide the certainty needed to spur the development of a low-carbon economy across the globe.
To the surprise of green campaigners, out-of-town shopping centers will be exempted from the car park tax.
A government grant scheme to give motorists up to £5,000 off the cost of a new electric car has been cut by 80%, opposition politicians and green campaigners claimed today.
And news of the DoT decision to look at the interchange this week raised the hopes of green campaigners opposed to the cross-town route.
In 1991, The Economist called EDF "America's most economically literate green campaigners."
He said the fact that more people are using buses should be a cause for celebration among green campaigners.