In their simplest form, they are square areas with green bamboo or sakaki at the corners.
White boulders, a stand of green bamboo, black gravel raked into smooth waves.
The evening breeze carries the scent of the green bamboo, gardenias, and camellias up to me.
And how much heavier the green bamboo was, too.
The raw bonito, translucent as gossamer, was served on a bed of deep green bamboo leaves.
They came to Phyllis's offices, which were rooms on the planet side of the moon, walled with mirrors and green bamboo.
The funeral took place at night, the path lit by gas torches atop towers of pine and green bamboo.
"A gin and tonic would be nice," she said, sitting down on one of the chairs near a stand of green bamboo.
On late full-moon nights, her favorite place was a grove of tall green bamboo with some pretty rocks strewn around.
Consider rather the old pine and green bamboo at year's end.