When he relaxed after dinner, it was in a green upholstered armchair that looked out over the Hudson River.
It was a lumpy green armchair and it produced a mournful twang.
Paling, she sank into a green armchair, her eyes fixed on his hard-boned face.
The wok-shaped washbasin is on a stand by a green armchair.
He was just sitting down in the green armchair across from die television when the doorbell chimed.
David sat back in the pale green armchair, drinking the remainder of his gin and tonic, and obviously pondering the plan.
Benny would be blind drunk by now, asleep in the green armchair in front of a blaring TV.
Rob sat down in a shabby green armchair, a relic of grad school days.
And would there still be the green armchair where he had been sitting in that last hour of his life?
Here is what happens next: "Einar stepped out of his trousers, dropped them on the green armchair.