Cordelia greedily absorbed the warmth of his body, her face tucked against his.
Not by the family, but by important guests who wanted sugar in their coffee and thus greedily absorbed two rationed items at once.
The fading energy absorbed greedily by death.
Soon their exhausted batteries were upon the floor beneath the instrument panel, absorbing greedily the electrical fluid from the bus-bars of the Delgonians.
The beans and rice greedily absorb water and expand, so what seems like a moderate amount of raw material can easily take over the pot and solidify into a rigid mass.
One more swing of the curved blade and the head rolled off the body and sank nose first into the dirt, which greedily absorbed the dark fluids that drained.
First came some thirty days of spring, during which the renewed sunlet poured heat into the ice and oceans and rocks, which greedily absorbed it.
Athos bowed, and prepared to absorb greedily the words which fell, one by one, from the mouth of Monk, - those words rare and precious as the dew in the desert.
Feathers greedily absorb the oil and then cannot keep out the cold ocean water.
There was a surprising amount of physiological data available as well, which Conway absorbed greedily.