Maurice had been greatly shaken; he was pale and he had difficulty in controlling his voice.
But I perceive I am still greatly shaken.
Buffy's confidence is greatly shaken by this encounter, and she decides to visit her Mom and some familiar surroundings.
My mother is tolerably well, I trust; though her spirits are greatly shaken.
That which had so greatly shaken John Marshall was accepted with astonishing calmness by the others.
The incident had greatly shaken young Singh and proved a turning point in his life.
He kept a bold face to the enemy, but after Wingfield's departure, Maude saw that his confidence was greatly shaken.
The sister of the assault victim is greatly shaken by the aftermath of the crime.
Shizuku was nearby and saved her sister, though their bond was greatly shaken.
But I place little reliance on either, my belief in history having been greatly shaken.