During these years the College's reputation was greatly injured in the eyes of the public.
Tim McManus and several other staff members are greatly injured but live as they were accidentally shot during the take over.
It had fallen into a bed of flowers; so I hoped it had not been greatly injured.
Probably these tablets were kept for some time in a cave, and the side lying on the ground was greatly injured by the damp soil.
Hibiki is greatly injured at the start of the movie.
She failed her mission however, and was greatly injured when she was crushed by a large boulder in the final episode.
Whatever the result, the good name of the Church will be greatly injured.
The church was greatly injured at the time, but not entirely destroyed until after the victory of Mehmed II.
The paintings were greatly injured during the Soviet period, when the church was used as a storage facility and suffered relative neglect.
As he falls to the floor greatly injured, Eliza watches in horror as the fraction leader sneaks up on her.