Flavius was greatly concerned and held me by the shoulders.
This greatly concerned Volt, and he decided to dissect the animals, to try to see what had killed them.
I don't have a clue as to the nature of the problem, but I admit that it has me greatly concerned.
The prosecution was "greatly concerned about what the jury is getting," Ms. Clark said.
A senior European diplomat from a country greatly concerned about the drugs coming out of Albania agreed.
He also writes State Department official, saying he is "greatly concerned" about the debt.
Dancing was permitted, which greatly concerned local churches.
The Turkish Cypriots at this time were greatly concerned and appealed to the British to keep control of the island.
When she returned in 1880, with the Queen greatly concerned for her daughter's safety, it was felt necessary to post extra guards around the grounds of the hall.
There was a short statement from Madrid to the effect that the Spanish Government was greatly concerned and would be watching events closely.