Both sexes feed from flowers and are greatly attracted to flowering bushes exposed to the sun.
The two men, it is said, were greatly attracted to each other, and they talked continuously for thirteen hours.
He had not, and so also his own children and grandchildren apparently were not greatly attracted by the unlimited stores available to them.
However, he was greatly attracted to book-learning.
Fans were greatly attracted to his chatter, and he soon spent more time talking than he did playing records.
He was immediately attracted to Frankenstein and greatly revised the script and conceptualiztion of the project, which had troubled the management.
But he was greatly attracted by Liza; and meanwhile, he had not at that time attained his aims.
It has also been mentioned that insects and soldier ants are greatly attracted to him for some special element in his blood.
I am not greatly attracted to any of them, mon ant/.
Rohan is greatly attracted to Pooja and the families are all for the match.