The greatest symbol of the Cold War, which many never dreamt they would see disappear, was overwhelmed by people power.
So the animal who represents the primitive is shot down by planes and dies for love while climbing the world's greatest phallic symbol.
In fact, most Spiders hadn't yet realized that for starfarers, a living park is the greatest symbol of power and ability in space.
He felt safe in the oak tree's presence; it was a thing that nothing could change or threaten; it was his greatest symbol of strength.
The greatest symbol of that truth was Cyric's throne itself.
She is upheld by highly superstitious Zimbabweans as the country's greatest symbol of black resistance to colonial rule.
The image is considered as one of the greatest sacred symbols in Ukraine, a palladion defending the people of the country.
But supporters of an amendment characterized the flag as America's greatest symbol and said it deserved special protection.
Limiting access to the world's greatest symbol of freedom should not be a foregone result of the war on terror.
But Kashmir is the greatest symbol.