China's discomfort with radical thinking is perhaps its greatest handicap on bold innovation.
The greatest handicap to cinema at the moment is the dominance of accounting over creativity.
The principal reason can be found in what is at once the show's greatest asset and its greatest handicap.
Ferrer aides said their greatest handicap came in fund-raising.
Indeed, the human analysts' greatest handicap had been the sheer mass of data available to them once access was gained.
As an illustration, the greatest handicap normally given to a weaker opponent is 9 stones.
English, in some ways, struck me as a weapon, and not speaking it was the greatest economic handicap.
The greatest handicap is the necessity for eating.
Its greatest handicap is the persistent insecurity in large parts of the country.
My two greatest handicaps in this encounter with the primitive were lack of weapons and my inability to make fire.