With the greatest capacity for it, you've never learned to enjoy yourself.
That's when he has the greatest capacity to be incisive and even poignant.
But it is the teacher who has the greatest capacity to care and to connect with the students who makes the biggest difference.
Vertical equity means those who have the greatest capacity to pay taxes bear the greatest burden.
Davidov had the greatest capacity for work of anyone she had ever known.
The Work Foundation said the financial sector is ignoring the small companies with the greatest capacity to create jobs and innovation.
The Tankadere still carried all sail, and was accomplishing her greatest capacity of speed.
He has the tidiest and most orderly brain, with the greatest capacity for storing facts, of any man living.
Within the industrial sector we need to place special emphasis on the sectors with the greatest capacity for impact and growth.
A disproportionate share would go to families in the highest tax bracket and with the greatest capacity to save.