Certainly it is more than simply the way a being looks; even among the humans I have seen there is a great variance.
The one would be at too great a variance with the other.
There is a great variance between the sexes of this species, and more is known about the male.
Most banks and card providers have automatic suspension of the services for a great variance in activity and location.
Using a minimum of 20 items allows for greater variance in the score distribution which results in more meaningful ability level groups.
Chilled panels are also better suited to buildings with spaces that have a greater variance in cooling loads.
By age 10 the boys have a higher mean, greater variance and are over-represented in the high tail.
However, this also suggests that there will be a greater variance of successful mating in males than females.
How could the headline and the contents of the article have been at greater variance?
The risk neutral investor's portfolio would have a higher expected return, but also a greater variance of possible returns.