We scanned the trees and caught sight of the black cap of a great tie.
"None of the family is in management and it isn't clear that the new managers have great ties to the family."
I felt a greater tie here, in the shabby land of terror, chosen for me by chance.
Also, Pew Internet (2002a) states that because of new technologies, college students will have greater social ties with their friends than their family members.
Maybe it shows a greater tie to all of Corus.
But they said American policy had been slowly shifting toward greater ties with the republics and a recognition that independence for some of them is inevitable.
As a result, they tend to feel they have greater ties to their airline than even its managers or shareholders.
These settlers petitioned the Spanish government to allow them to form a separate pueblo for greater ties and stronger unity.
At least we've got some great ties to look forward to, and the players should now be desperate to be part of that team.
Evidently no great tie of filial love bound her to her sick mother.