McDougle's lawyer has proclaimed his client's innocence, but how could an athlete be persuaded to violate the great taboo of sports?
The great taboo against nuclear power seems to be over in Washington.
He often raises the issue of mental health in his performances, relating that "It's one of the last great taboos.
For half a century, one of the great taboos of public life here has been any discussion of a Japanese military role beyond Japan's shores.
It looked at homosexuality as the national game's last great taboo.
The great taboo against tolls has ended.
Schools routinely address issues of racial and gender inequality, but class-based inequities remain the great American educational taboo.
Stephen explores why talking about killing is the great taboo in armies across the world.
There is no greater taboo than allowing that symbol into a village.
Evidently a great taboo had been laid upon all our possessions.