Most of this activity was carried out in the former Soviet Union, the great storehouse of natural resources within Comecon.
A great storehouse of touchstones was found here; it was a center of Lifeweaver science and learning.
"So this Ring is one great storehouse of power; but the kind of force a man's hit with depends on his own inclination?"
The distiller lived, as he had told him when they first met, on Holborn Hill, where he had great storehouses and drove a large trade.
Every fact, and even every falsehood, must enter into the Pantacle; it is the great storehouse from which the Magician draws.
"You have a great storehouse of medicinal supplies."
When at last they exited the great storehouse of history, she asked, "Did you ever bring Lady Felic- ity here?"
St. Augustine was the one who set up the idea that memory was this great storehouse, and that nothing was ever lost.
These meetings gave Ksenia a great storehouse of knowledge.
The challenge will be to use the great storehouse of genetic knowledge for the public good while still preserving each individual's rights.