In years of great scarcity, indeed, the bounty has generally been suspended.
In a country of great scarcity, a military career is a poor boy's only sure path to the middle class.
In 1727 the Irish were permitted to trade in the town as great scarcity and famine swept the country.
As a result of its great scarcity, little was known about the white shark in 1916.
Early the next year news reached Gennanicus of great scarcity in Egypt.
These problems were all compounded by a great scarcity of food in the 1780s.
Added to the distress of mind at being thus thwarted, there was also a great scarcity of provision.
Bearing in mind the great scarcity of resources, we do need to create much greater public acceptance of what we are doing.
In 1740, a year of great scarcity, both manufactures, indeed, appear to have declined very considerably.
But in 1756, another year of great scarcity, the Scotch manufacture made more than ordinary advances.