Section 215 was amended further regardless so as to give greater judicial oversight and review.
The Americans hope that new mentorship programs this year will result in greater oversight of the police.
These include greater financial oversight and a requirement that stock options be treated as corporate expenses.
These efforts are critical to ensure international coherence and greater oversight of capital markets.
Conditions in many of the homes were routinely so bad that a few years ago, the state promised reforms and greater oversight.
There will also be greater federal oversight on how new machines are tested before they arrive at polling stations.
Scribner moved to Vermont in 1968 to head that state's schools, where he supported greater local oversight and control of school districts.
Mack was also been a prominent advocate for greater congressional oversight of government activities related to surveillance.
No wrongdoing was alleged, but the board wanted greater oversight.
I made one great oversight, as you would perceive.