After an hour's delay, the great nobleman appeared.
I will make thee great, and give thee a daughter of a great nobleman.
It was no disgrace to a great nobleman to serve even in a junior capacity in a good regiment.
At the same time, his life and conduct were in some respects like those of a great Anglo-Saxon nobleman.
I have mentioned her before: the daughter of a powerful merchant, seduced and abandoned by a great nobleman whom Benjamin later killed in a duel.
He was the youngest son of a great Spanish nobleman, born in 1491.
I have just come from his Grace, and he expressed himself before me with an honest freedom like the great nobleman he is.
After little more than a year, the great English nobleman had begged to be recalled.
Odren asked him, speaking now as to a great nobleman, "nothing else to give?"
"It is some great nobleman, beyond question," said one of the towns-people.