She thought for another minute and then wrote: "To my very great mortification, I find I am with child.
To her very great mortification?
To my great mortification, this secret was soon discovered, and I presently lost my young schoolmistress.
It has meant great mortification to me that one of my own parish has been the cause of these painful rumours that have afflicted our quiet community.
I feel notwithstanding a great mortification in the disappointment it obliges me to throw on the curiosity of my friends.
He lived a life of great mortification, in prayer, fast, vigil, and the manual labor of the garden.
There is no greater mortification than to sit with half a dozen Witts, deliberating upon a Petition, Address, or Memorial.
One of the great mortifications of middle age is being forced to admit the truth in those extra-mossy clichés that you mock when you are young and arrogant.
The 12th rule is to let him in all things seek his greater mortification and continuing abnegation.
To Harry's great mortification, he became instantly and fully aroused.