It is of great power, and in his hands can do great mischief.
An Adept must have an heir, or great mischief rises in the selection of his successor.
They walked and played among the people, doing as they pleased, some causing great mischief.
It's got all the potential for great mischief.
Also, throughout this war, none has done us greater mischief.
Just now, Yasma's blackest enemy could not do her greater mischief.
I couldn't make much sense of it, except that there could have been great mischief done if we hadn't gotten the little fellow calmed down.
My brother hath the Orb in his possession, and with its power he can do great mischief.
Yet such measures actually do great mischief.
Thomas Jefferson predicted the act would create great mischief by keeping job seekers constantly agitated.