Then, as he moved out ahead of them, the procession began, making its slow way across the great meadow, the darkness gathering all about them.
I led off, with Murie at my side, down the distance between the walls and through the outer gate to the great meadow beyond.
The forest where the Texans hid rose at the far end of a great meadow.
Its box is on a pinetree at the edge of the great meadow.
He had already noticed that there was a great meadow on one side of him-over the pit, perhaps.
Near-by was a great wild meadow, with dense hiding-places on the slopes beyond, where deer were numerous.
And I was a naked girl in a great meadow of yellow flowers.
Our great natural meadows are on the brink of extinction.
In the early spring, seas of daffodils and then tulips fill the great meadow.
Before him, on a great meadow that sloped to the cliff edge, was vast confusion.