Occasionally, courts will allow agencies to depart from their own internal rules in the sake of greater leniency for the affected private party.
Now, defense lawyers hope a three-member appeals court will show greater leniency and understanding of plane spotting.
In a 1990 address to judicial court presidents, Moudiki called for greater leniency in sentencing.
"Over the last two years, this administration has shown a policy of great leniency toward Israel."
Smith would later write that he had treated the officers with great leniency.
Parker and Stone said although the network typically provides great leniency in permitting obscene jokes, they often object to lines about women's hygiene problems.
A growing reluctance to convict those who, unlike heretics, could not escape by confession and penance led after 1630 to greater leniency.
He was less severe with me than he would have been normally, but I saw I could not expect great leniency from him.
NBC's solution, like those of the other networks, has been greater leniency.
James treated him and the other rebel lords with great leniency.