If anyone is considered to be guilty of too great an excess, it tells against them.
"It's true the 80's were a period of great excesses, financially and otherwise," he said.
What I find curious is that the great plagues have always produced great excesses.
The lure of easy pickings merely excited them on to greater excesses.
This great excess of power was due to the fact that the latter came from the person turning the handle.
Since such credulity has only encouraged you to greater excesses, I must draw the line at rhubarb.
There is no reason to believe that will change - in fact, the Republicans will push the administration into ever greater excesses.
All she can do is indulge her fantasies to even greater excesses.
The crowd fell silent as he entered, and then exploded into even greater excesses of happy noise.
A second problem arose in 1988, with even deeper observations showing a much greater excess of faint galaxies.