All this was done under great physical duress: Mr. Blackwell spent the last 20 years of his life on kidney dialysis.
He would have to make it in a situation of great duress, and the choice he had to make was going to hurt.
However, at that moment, he was under great duress and violence due to Cultural Revolution and Gang of Four.
As far as I am concerned, it is the only body that represents the prison officers, who work under great duress.
I frankly cannot accept your repeated excuse of having to act the way you do under great duress and pressure.
Under great duress, the Garrison held his position and, by 1783, the siege was finishing.
A senior military official said in an interview that the military did not believe Corporal Hassoun was being held under great duress.
Under great duress, Nosenko failed two highly questionable lie detector tests but passed a third test monitored by several Agency departments.
The workers in the airline business have such extraordinarily unusual challenges here because we're in a period of great duress.
It may encourage the Serbs and encourage people to seek evacuation even if they are not under great duress.