One of the great American conundrums has been how to reconcile the nation's much-vaunted frontier individualism with a sense of community necessary for a functioning society.
For the deep ache aroused by Mary distracted him from the great conundrum which plagued him.
Germany faces the great legal conundrum of post-Communist Europe: Where is the crime?
They remain one of the great conundrums of the psychiatric field.
I resolved the koan, the great conundrum of the cosmos; Nemoto would be pleased.
What Mr. Bobrick calls "one of the great conundrums of medical history" has been ascribed to countless factors, from sexual fixations to deformities of the palate.
"This is the great conundrum," said Julian Schweitzer, the bank's director for strategy and operations in East Asia.
The great conundrum had then become how to defeat North Vietnam without defeating North Vietnam.
That affordable housing is one of the region's great conundrums and most urgent problems, requiring bold if not radical new solutions.
And last week's episode finally answered one of life's great conundrums: Why is it that key-cutters always sell trophies on the side?