Most of the great comics came from this area.
The elegance of all great comics is that they capitalize on the medium's shifting limitations.
For Mr. Humphries is not only a loopy social satirist but also a great instinctive physical comic.
We'd like to thank Robert Kirkman for being such a nice guy, and for giving us such great comics to give away to our readers.
Spiegelman is an advocate for greater comics literacy.
They have charm, sure, but like all great comics, they also embody certain truths about the human condition.
If women could get beyond that discomfort they feel with power, I think they could be such great comics.
What is surprising is his assertion that animals have no sense of humor; he obviously has not met my Siamese, a great lie-down comic.
"These guys were barracudas," Renee says of the great comics.
It was, after all, the great comic who advised: 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again - then quit.