The red world had not yet fully recovered from that great cataclysm of long ago.
"So you think some great cataclysm broke up this continent and sank it."
Some great cataclysm of the earth, that buried whole cities in a matter of days.
It is a time of chaos and darkness, great cataclysms and death.
I don't know if my father had any inkling of what lay ahead for us in the years of the great cataclysm.
It is told that, in case of great cataclysm, life will remain only in these seven areas of the world.
It will not be the perfume of flowers that I scatter on the earth, but smoke and dust as after a great cataclysm!
Over 21,000 years ago, an event called the "Great Cataclysm" caused it to be submerged into the sea.
And always ahead of us - the great cataclysm and the great awakening.
If the shuttle reaches Earth, it will cause an even greater cataclysm than Axis' impact would have intended.