Only great religious alliances show nerve nowadays, battling over which way the Galactic wheels shall turn during a time of changes.
What would the great Western alliance do about this menacing violation of Europe's peace?
Their marriage was the mortar that held the great southron alliance together, Catelyn knew.
Once I married hoping for the great alliances a noble bride would bring; where are they, now that my son lies dead?
The latter group sought greater alliance with other hilltribe minorities.
We're committed to this great democratic alliance, and we believe it must have the will and the capacity to act beyond Europe where threats emerge.
"And our great alliance of freedom is strong, and it is still needed today."
Several of the speakers at the Apollo last night recalled the great alliance between blacks and Jews.
The world was changing, the great alliance with Caphad had proved a snare.
What is it for, if not to be used in a conflict that threatens our great alliance and our standing in the world?