Read through the offerings of most religious publishers, and you'll suffer greater affliction.
And We saved him and his family from the great affliction.
Despite the speaker's great affliction over his relationship with the dark lady, he has willingly subjected himself to such unbearable torment.
"I never cry unless for some great affliction."
His other son John had died as a young man, a great affliction to Bage.
"I am afraid he is in great affliction; the letter appears to me to have been written very nearly in distraction."
The Queen, your mother, in most great affliction of spirit hath sent me to you.
At this time Elizabeth had workmen in the house, which is a great affliction.
At another place in the Quran this word has been used for a great affliction befalling a nation.
However, the global community has proved incapable of meeting this challenge and environmental governance is currently victim to a great many afflictions.