In the great, unlimited abyss, he found that he could see himself.
The designs of the Lord are a great abyss.
He seemed to see Royal's sweat-shiny face across some great abyss of smoke and noise.
But they pressed on, the great global financial abyss opened up and suddenly the size that mattered in the automotive world was.
Valentine felt himself at the edge of a great abyss, and the ground crumbling beneath his feet.
He was on that tightrope again, teetering over a great abyss.
This violence, living on the edge of the great abyss?
But still he held out his hand, pans up, above the great glassy abyss.
For one brief moment, there was God and a great abyss of nothingness.
There's nothing here to say we've hurdled some great abyss.