He grabbed Matthew by the hair- long, greasy locks that sorely needed shampoo.
A nod of enthusiasm jiggled long, greasy locks free from beneath his sweat-splotched hat.
"Breffuss," Kalchan grunted, jerking his head over his shoulder so that his greasy locks swung in front of his face.
Now he glared at the new arrivals through a greasy lock of hair.
Carefully, she parted her hair and combed her greasy, lice-infested locks.
Volkonsky shook his head, flapping his greasy locks.
In life she had been no beauty, in death she looked ugly, her greasy locks falling in wisps to her dirty shoulders.
His soldiers used them for more than light - a Celt fled shrieking, his long, greasy locks ablaze.
Idly I toyed with a lank, greasy lock of his hair.
The driver, a big fellow, dark brown with greasy locks, welcomed us aboard with a grunt.