The more the pins are pushed in, the lighter the screen becomes, giving a grayish tone and eventually an all white screen again.
Kori'nh's skin had a grayish tone; his head was smooth except for the lush topknot folded back across his crown, a symbol of his rank.
He had sagging chins aplenty and a grayish tone to his skin that made one wonder if he coupled regularly with corpses.
The leaves are dark green with a bit of a grayish tone and leathery with a bilobed tip.
Steel blue is a grayish tone of azure that resembles the color blue steel, i.e., steel which has been subjected to bluing in order to protect it from rust.
The envoy closed his mouth quickly, as if he had just swallowed a bug; the other two were looking a bit ill, with a grayish tone to their skin beneath the natural deep black color.
There is a grayish tone of rose called rose quartz.
The color bazaar is a medium grayish tone of rose.
This hawkmoth's basic coloration is in grayish tones, but it has delicate colored regular spots on both sides of the abdomen, in black, pink and white rows.
The 11,000-square-foot center will contrast sharply with the grayish tone of the glass-and-steel office buildings around it.