Behind them a low cliff rose and the vast pines of the north loomed against a gray-blue sky.
It might have been by the ocean in winter, where the gray-green water merges with the slate gray pebbles and the gray-blue sky.
"I am thinking we should be on our road soon," the troll re- sponded, shading his eyes to look at the gray-blue sky.
At their apex, stretching up from the ground to the triangle of gray-blue sky, loomed the Uduntree.
You can even sense color - the dark brown of the earth, the yellow and lilac fields and gray-blue sky - in van Gogh's black and white.
The vast gray-blue sky suggests no particular time of day.
Waiting in her boat, Ms. Lee stared glumly at the gulls, the gray-blue sky and sea, and then announced that she, too, wanted to take the subway home.
She leant back on the seat and looked about her at the great houses breaking the soft gray-blue sky with their chimneys.
Paul turned his head upward as he walked, seeing the tapestry of this planet cut in cross section where the narrow cleft gaped toward gray-blue sky.
The chimney straightened to show them the gray-blue sky, over a mouth ringed by ragged outcroppings of rock.