You'd think the entire Eurozone was a grey post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with "government-dependent" zombies.
A series of pelting rains and gusty winds swept across another grey brown wasteland.
This time the Magic Picture shifted only slightly to show a second expanse of grey wasteland as gloomy and forbidding as the first.
He was utterly alone, his ringers on the controls of a mighty war blast, at the summit of a little hill in the midst of a flat, gray wasteland.
It's a gray, dark, smoggy wasteland of crime and corruption, crooked cops, bemused politicians, decaying buildings, pot-holed streets, dead ends and ugly high-rises that block out whatever sun there might be.
Magda did not know whether Keitha or Doria had answered this question; she had no idea how long her mind had been drifting in the gray wasteland.
Bounds and Moore stepped outside, phasers ready, scanning the gray wasteland to the jungle's edge.
Away beyond the sprawling flat scab where once London had proudly stood, as far as my appalled eyes could see, stretched only that same endless gray wasteland.
In the Pacific Northwest, only a handful of dinosaurs patrol the gray wasteland.
She moved forever in gray uninhabited mental wastelands.