He was entirely bald, with just one remaining tuft, gray and greasy, dangling down the back of his neck.
The master storyteller twirled a grey tuft of his beard.
Still, you can see the grey tufts, can't you?
Scratching absentmindedly at the gray tuft of beard on his chin, he pondered how to end the letter.
This was a tiny gray tuft barely visible to the naked eye.
He had a beard that was at once bushy and straggly, sprouting from his chin in irregular but thick gray tufts.
On his head: both a headband and a raffish, straw-colored hat, gray tufts poking out in all directions.
This bat also has gray tufts of fur on the forearms.
His hair sprouts in disorderly, thick grey tufts.
He was almost bald except for a semicircle of grey tufts around the base of his skull.