Without knowing the Soviet legend of the Hotel Moscow's two different wings, the building is just an otherwise unremarkable gray pile.
He seemed to see the great gray piles of granite set in old Spanish towns amid a landscape tawny, wild, and windswept.
Its fading echoes lingered above the gray pile of tumbled stone that had once been Castle Chandos!
The decapitation was changed to the opponent's simply turning into a gray pile of dust and a skull.
Within moments there was nothing left of the once powerful battle-robot but an ugly grey pile of metal that was no longer able to move.
I saw a grey pile in a corner, flew to it with a cry of joy, and found that it was only dust.
A horrible gray pile of a Place that smelled of damp and floor polish and cheap disinfectant.
The buildings were mostly stone as well, conical gray piles of rocks, or small structures patched with mud and roofed with thatch.
No, it was only about two-thirds mere; the rest was in a dirty gray pile on the ground.
He approached a squat gray pile of concrete on which was etched the legend, Plan of Man.