There are two types of partridge commonly found in North America as game birds - the chukar partridge and the gray partridge.
A target is to establish a covey of grey partridge on the farm.
Introduced birds include the gray partridge, ring-necked pheasant, and chukar.
There is no shortage of red and gray partridge or grouse.
The Boora bog reserve is a haven for wildlife and most notably contain the last Irish population of the grey partridge.
The area is host to a number of native species, including barn owls, the grey partridge, badgers, grass snakes and various amphibians.
In addition to providing wind protection to reduce the erosion of arable fields, these hedges have also provided protected areas for small game, such as the grey partridge.
Approximately 370 species of animal are found in the reserve, including capercaillie, grey partridge, golden eagle, griffon vulture, isard, midwife toad, ptarmigan and Seoanei's viper.
"No, no, it's a gray partridge," he finally decided.
It would be hard to imagine a more satisfying game dish than Mr. Chevrier's wild gray partridge.