By the faint gray glow stealing in through the windows, it was almost dawn.
The water ahead grew slowly brighter, until the creature saw a pale gray glow spread across the upper reaches of the sea.
A hazy, gray glow came in from the window.
The first gray glow of morning was showing through the window at the end of the hail.
And just before dawn, when the eastern edge of the world was a gray glow, he went round to make sure everyone was awake.
He flipped open the laptop, and a gray glow lit the darkness.
In spite of the closed curtains, the room had a dim gray glow.
The last gray glow of twilight made Richard's eyes look as if they were made of steel.
Each of his teeth was lit with a fierce gray glow.
She crawled off the bed and stood there looking at Michael in the gray glow from the skylight.