The gyreagle's feathers rustled as she lifted her great wings, disturbed perhaps by the grave nature of the conversation.
On his release, the Russian interior ministry stated that he was released because the charges against him "are not of a particularly grave nature".
If you are reading them on tombs, you will be distressed by sickness of a grave nature.
To hear knocking in your dreams, denotes that tidings of a grave nature will soon be received by you.
She quickly discerned that it was something of a very grave nature.
But I think there are other issues in the United States of a far graver nature.
But the judges' decision said that "the crimes are of such a grave nature that even the maximum sentence cannot do them justice."
I must once more impress upon you the grave nature of the accusations, and point out to you that your very life is at stake.
Mr. Simpson has not been allowed to go free on bond because of the grave nature of the charges.
Kalan appears to have discipline problems of an even graver nature aboard the Terror.