The trial, which found the men guilty as charged, was considered by many to be a grave miscarriage of justice.
When he eventually yielded and went through the documentation, sighting the grave miscarriage of justice, he immediately postponed the hanging pending a full investigation.
If the jury at that trial had swallowed the lies and been duped by the manipulation then a grave miscarriage of justice would have occurred.
"A grave miscarriage of justice has occurred here today, sir," she told him.
Mr. Manoncourt considers this a grave miscarriage of justice.
For I had already sat through a grave miscarriage of justice.
Many supporters of Michael Ferguson believe the guilty verdict was a grave miscarriage of justice.
It would be, he said, a grave miscarriage of justice if murderers could escape the consequences of their crimes by disposing of their victims' remains.
"I think it was a terrible and grave miscarriage of justice."
"What happened to Chaplain Yee was a grave miscarriage of justice," he said.