The first was that gratuitous remark about men not cooking; the second was an unworthy remark about Toby's trousers.
Add pressure, and some of the agents may make gratuitous, even foolish remarks, as they did about Cispes and its members.
But they attacked Judge Weinstein's extensive comments in the 175-page ruling as the gratuitous remarks of a judge they have called a liberal with an antigun agenda.
O'Mara said Judge Lester had made disparaging and gratuitous remarks about his client in a July, 2012 bond order.
There are also gratuitous remarks about drugs.
He said he regretted the "gratuitous" remarks of the anchors and the newspaper ads.
It was a gratuitous remark, and he noticed more than one look of surprise.
Before the departure for Paris, Mrs Maugham fortunately forfeited her position by various gratuitous and irrelevant remarks about the expense.
There are gratuitous remarks and irrelevancies.
Your article included some gratuitous remarks about lifestyle and income.