He was against such gratuitous display of wealth.
Nowhere in the collection is there any gratuitous display of metrical show-jumping.
But I try not to frighten ordinary people with any gratuitous displays of mental superiority.
Given Ms. Munro's consummate control of her craft, these often startling developments never come across as mere plot twists or gratuitous displays of authorial invention.
A gratuitous display of wealth, and she knew for a fact that aside from the gilded barrel-clock on the mantel, there was another in Tsutama's bedroom and even one in her dressing room.
Here the anecdotal tangents seem less like crucial background information than gratuitous displays of pop trivia.
Keith Russell defines fan service as "the random and gratuitous display of a series of anticipated gestures common in Manga and Anime.
If a normal had been present, Masha would have stayed wet rather than risk provoking envy by a gratuitous display of mindpower.
What some readers see as a gratuitous display of carnage, others view as important homage to the boots on the ground.
They've already seen us creating sand eddies and pulling water into their path, and gratuitous displays of superscience can have a bad effect on an emerging culture.