I rose and took his arm, and gave him a grateful kiss on his rosy old cheek.
A beautiful, buxom girl in lederhosen ran out from behind a bush and hugged the smaller man, covering his face with grateful kisses.
There would have been a grateful kiss, kisses, perhaps.
And before long her grateful kisses turned seductive, the sway of her hips took on a bewitching rhythm, her murmurs were softly pleading.
He seized her hands and covered them with grateful kisses.
Again she showered me with grateful kisses.
When she wakes, she first checks the figures on her pillow, then bestows a grateful kiss, glances at the bank and returns to sleep.
What she had not expected was that the Queen would immediately throw herself at Elena's feet and seize her hand, covering it with grateful kisses and tears.
He bestowed a lingering and grateful kiss just where the hair twirls in little tendrils at the back of the neck, and took up the newspaper.
She wanted to give him a grateful kiss on the cheek but did not dare.