That was why Jerlyk and I met on the grassy square behind the quarters before every breakfast.
On the grassy square in front of the plaque there were wreaths of fresh flowers.
Across the street, a fountain at the center of a grassy square sent up a glittering spray.
The church sat at the end of a long, grassy square, separated from it by a hard-packed dirt thoroughfare named, practically but not inventively, Church Street.
Two great fires had been built in the grassy square formed by the three long dormitory huts.
Tens of thousands of people walked miles in the hot sun to a grassy square in the front of the nation's High Court to witness the inauguration.
On the other side of that grassy square, The Shadow entered his own cab, which was waiting at an isolated spot.
The rebels drove straight into the grassy square next to the city's police headquarters, the chief symbol of central government power at about 10 a.m. and declared the city liberated.
The grassy square is somewhat like a village green and Mandeville has been described as the most English town in Jamaica.