The exterior is constructed of granite and limestone, and a grassy plaza and fountain decorate the grounds outside.
Huge ceiba trees dominates its many grassy plazas surrounded by classic Mayan architecture and stelae.
The SS used the Alexander Palace as a hospital, and dead soldiers were buried in the grassy plaza in front of the palace.
The complex, consisting of the church, bell tower, sacristy and a grassy plaza lined by houses, is considered to have the most fidelity to the original plan of the Jesuit reductions.
An open, grassy plaza is located to the south; otherwise the surrounding neighborhood is densely developed with commercial buildings of a comparable or greater size.
Take an optional trip to the Mayan ruins and walk through the grassy plazas under the gaze of huge carved faces, staring out from ancient walls.
It consisted of a main stage, sloping lawn and a smaller platform stage set in a grassy plaza.
Lincoln Center has two grassy plazas, built one level up from the street atop the Quinn Library.
In the spring and summer, people still gather on a grassy plaza at the foot of the dam to watch the water cascading into the gorge below.
They all got up and followed him out the entrance, across the grassy plaza, and toward a small structure that looked something like a solid marble gazebo, off by itself to the left.